Episode 5

Affirmations: Bringing the delulu closer, one thought at a time

Published on: 28th September, 2023

It's more than Lucky Girl Syndrome, The Secret, and manifestation. Affirmations are the words we use to set our brain, hearts, and bodies on the path we want to take. Living in a world that seems hell bent on teaching us we're not (good, right, hot, productive) enough takes intentional reconditioning, and creating our internal monologue is a great place to start. Affirmations are scientifically backed, and give our brain an alternative to internalized, self-defeating thoughts and instead help us create new neural pathways toward confidence, happiness, and less anxiety, making that the default in our brains over time. 

Join us this week for a conversation about the power of affirmations, how to incorporate them in your own life , where to find the words, and even some of the science behind how they work. We also talk about how to move forward when it feels fully delusional and where the limitations come into play.

Topics this week include:

  • Making the Band 2 and the chokehold Diddy had over MTV in 2003
  • Cheesecake Factory (turning into a recurring segment)
  • Tall Auras
  • Government funded girls trips
  • Getting an A in honors therapy via extra credit projects
  • September 2023 Full Moon in Aries (our harvest moon and feeling that warrior energy)
  • Neural Pathways and neuroplasticity
  • Budget time travel and writing notes to yourself

This weeks challenge: Find 3 affirmations that speak to you (be specific!) and find places to integrate them into your life.

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Music by FASSounds on Pixabay.

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About the Podcast

The Healing Happy Hour
Pushing back against the trauma of being human, together
Welcome to the Healing Happy Hour with Crystal and Vienna, two deeply unserious people exploring serious topics while cackling and sometimes crying.

Together we are learning to push back against the trauma of being human in the world today through ancient wisdom and practices, modern therapeutic techniques, and anything else that moves the needle towards healing.

If you’re also sick of tripping over your own bullshit, join us while we create a sanctuary for everyone who is ready to activate the magic in their life.

About your host

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The Healing Happy Hour

I’m Crystal, an energy worker and life coach specializing in boundary work, and a mom of two beautiful wildings. I’m on a mission to stay soft in the face of hard things, while guiding others to do the same through answering the invitation to embody their whole self.

I’m Vienna, mom of three goblins, yoga teacher in training, deeply self conscious and learning how to take up space. This phase of my life is about embracing my old favorite parts of myself, nurturing new ones and letting them harmonize into the new me.